Windsor Alerts

Receive alerts about emergencies in our community by signing up for the Windsor Alerts notification system. During a major crisis, emergency or severe weather event, City of Windsor emergency officials will send event updates, warnings and instructions directly to you on any of your devices. Windsor Alerts is the official emergency communications service for the City of Windsor, Ontario.

Don’t miss out!

Sign up online or contact 311 to register today!

Windsor Alerts sign-up

You choose how you would like us to contact you:

  • Text
  • Cellphone
  • Email
  • Landline

This system is for Windsor residents only, however, if you work in Windsor, you can sign up using your work address to receive alerts specific to that address. If you would like to received alerts for a community outside Windsor, you would need to sign up for their alert system (e.g. LaSalle, Essex, etc.)

Keeping your contact information updated is also key to us keeping you informed. If you have a change of address or phone number, please remember to sign in to the website and revise your information.

For more information:

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the Windsor Alerts registration page, contact 311 or contact Windsor Fire and Rescue Services.